Why I’m Here: A Journey of Self-Discovery

To begin, I simply want to write about why I’m embarking on this new journey of creating a blog. As I have been coming in to adulthood and figuring out “who I am”. I have mostly felt that I either have no identity, or 12 identities. I’ve realized, though, that defining myself as one thing based on what I do, how I’m feeling, or where I am is simply not the answer. Self-discovery is a long journey, I hope you’ll join me for the ride. I’m so happy you’re here.

I have lived in quite a few different places. Between third grade and college, I had never even been to the same school for more than three years . A lot of people I knew went to school with the same people from Pre-K all the way through High School Graduation. 

I’ve always jumped in and out of other people’s lives.

I was always the new kid at school, floating around different friend groups, maybe getting close with a few people until I would inevitably leave. This isn’t to say changing schools was always bad, hell I begged for it in high school! It wasn’t about the people either… There was something in me that couldn’t stay put. Something in me that felt like there was a missing piece or where I was just didn’t feel right.

When I was 8 years old, I moved for the first time from Northern Virginia to Central Vermont. In VT, I lived in the same house for almost 10 years, but during that time I attended 6 different schools (including college and a year of being homeschooled). 

With all this change, I got used to the few constants in my life. My family, my house, my jobs, and my passions: theater, music, athletics.. and maybe a couple others.

For more time than I attended any one school, I held two different jobs in Vermont. I worked for my dad at our family’s Bed and Breakfast starting in 2006. Every summer from 2013 to 2017, I also worked at the local deli, following in my sister’s footsteps.

One of the first things I did when I moved to Vermont was have my parents help me scope out the community theatre scene. My passion for theatre was one of the few things I brought with me on the move, and it is still one of the most important pieces of my life. I grew to have a constant group of people with whom I did theatre in town, all from different schools. With this consistency for a while, I was able to deal with the change at home and between schools.

It’s having at least one consistency like that, that I have learned I really need. Lately though, I’ve been struggling to identify what that is for me now. After graduating college and feeling like the entire world turned upside down, I got very very lost. That’s when I really knew I needed to find a true sense of self, and I am discovering myself more each day.

I wear a lot of hats.

I work full-time at a hotel in Manhattan, I audition and keep up my artistic practice as much as possible, as well as make plans for a future business endeavor with a close friend of mine from college (much more on all of this later, don’t worry).

I wear a lot of hats. I always have. I’m good at juggling multiple responsibilities (I can also actually juggle thanks to a little week-long camp I went to in middle school… haha). I’m good at keeping organized, and learning how to do lots of different things. I tend to get bored if things stay the same for too long. I can easily get over stimulated though, and I’m constantly learning how to set limits for myself in order not to burn out.

For so long I had this idea in my head that I had to choose one thing and do it completely. Well let me just say, it has been quite a whirlwind unlearning that and growing out of that mindset. I always thought I knew what the one thing I wanted to do was, and it turns out that there other things I can layer in to my life as well! Who knew?! Honestly, I didn’t.

With this blog, I intend to share my journey and things I’ve learned to help me along the way. I also aim to be as genuine as possible about some of the struggles and doubts that come with being in multiple fields for career and business. I am starting this in a time of great change, and hope to learn more than I can even imagine. 

Have you always had a strong sense of self or are you on this journey of self-discovery with me? What is something you have re-discovered about yourself last year that you’re excited to dive into? Let me know below!

Share your success in self-discovery, it is not taken lightly. ❤️
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6 thoughts on “Why I’m Here: A Journey of Self-Discovery

  1. Patricia - January 20, 2020

    Welcome to the world of blogging! I’m newish too, but loving it. I actually blog at two websites: http://www.LaCroixCreative.com (which is my Creative Services business — currently my bread-and-butter business) and http://www.GetItDownPat.com (where I write about creating a great life and career at home). I’m glad you are giving yourself a chance to do what you’ve been wanting to do for such a long time. All it takes is that firm decision to make it happen. Good luck to you!

    1. Claire - January 20, 2020

      That is so great! Thank you for the warm welcome, I’m very excited for this endeavor and so happy to have found a great community of blogs to support and be inspired by!

  2. Emily Young - January 20, 2020

    This was interesting to read, very relatable! I’m a newish blogger too and I’m loving it so far 🙂 Goodluck on your journey!

    1. Claire - January 20, 2020

      Thank you so much. I think this is going to be very fun!

  3. Lynyadia - January 20, 2020

    This is Awesome! Welcome to the blogging community. I’m sure you’ll do great! Remaining yourself will help bunches. Can’t wait yo hear more from you. Congratulations on your journey.

    1. Claire - January 20, 2020

      Thank you!! I will surely do my best to just keep writing what I believe. What else can we do, right? ☺️

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